BCI - Bio Cosmetics


Product development process

Weiße Tiegel und Tuben umgeben von Eukalyptusgrün.
Bildergeschichte: Kunden äußern ihre Ideen rund um Texturen, Farben und Inhalt.

We produce your product, using your name and our experience, according to your wishes. We work together to develop the perfect concept through open dialogue and competent advice.

Bildergeschichte: Die Puzzleteile aus Logistik, Einkauf, Qualitätsservice und Forschung und Entwicklung gehören bei bci zusammen.

We work hand in hand with all departments of our parent company LOGOCOS Naturkosmetik AG to provide you with the best results. Your idea will quickly become a real concept, which will be provided to you in the form of samples (formulation + packaging).

Bildergeschichte: Produkte von bci landen auf dem Siegertreppchen ganz oben. Das liegt an den natürlichen Rohstoffen und den Qualitätskritierien.

Our qualified development team manufactures the products from selected natural raw materials according to strict quality criteria. All our products are tested for germs, stability and light tolerance. Our team, together with you, tests the products with heart and mind, so that you end up with a product according to your ideas (appearance, texture, fragrance, etc.).

Bildergeschichte bestehend aus Tagescreme, dekorativer Kosmetik und Qualitätssiegel.

In production process, we work according to high standards, in order to provide you with safe and high quality products. Your products are bottled by our company or one of our reliable partners under strict supervision.

We offer the complete range of preparative and decorative cosmetics, and all comes from a single source.

Bildergeschichte: Das Produkt ist feritg und wird mit dem LKW transportiert. Der Kunde feiert das gelungene Produkt.

After production process, we package the finished products and deliver them on time. However, this is not the end of our mission. No matter which concerns you have regarding your products, your contact person at BCI is always there for you.

Did we make you curious? Then we are looking forward to your requests.